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Where the Magic Begins!

The magic begins in Reception, where our youngest boys start out on their exciting adventure at Tower House, that sets the stage for a lifetime of learning, special friendships and wonderful discoveries.

Settling In

Welcoming our new Reception boys into Tower House is an incredibly special occasion for them, for their families and for us. Our programme of induction and welcome begins during the Summer Term prior to starting at THS, with a series of opportunities for our new boys and their families to visit us at school. Our Reception staff also visit the boys in their home settings to give a full and rounded picture of each boy and to learn more about them and their interests. All these elements of our induction help to make the transition as smooth and successful as possible. Our experience shows that the boys bounce into their classroom on their first day of school, familiar and confident in their surroundings and the staff, including the Head.

For the first few days, Reception boys come in a little later than normal, starting at 8:50am for half a day at school and over the course of the first week this is gradually increased until the boys are enjoying the whole day.