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Senior School


Life in the classroom at Tower House is about stretch and challenge, curiosity and creativity, cementing foundations and broadening understanding. English and maths remain core to the curriculum with science, history, geography, French, RS, art and design, computer science, music and physical education adding to the weekly diet of academic subjects. Latin is added as well as classical civilisation.

The boys are taught by specialists who inspire and motivate the boys in their specific subject. Technology is used to enhance teaching and learning across the curriculum as well as being taught specifically within computer science. With a programme of regular formative and summative assessment, tracked across the year, we monitor progress and add intervention where required to make sure every boy is making maximum academic progress. We aim to develop confident learners, able to work independently as well as in groups, communicate their thoughts and ideas articulately and fluently, present their work neatly and clearly, challenge and question effectively and take pride in every piece of work in class and for homework.

We are serious about academic development for our boys and whilst we aim to make learning fun and enjoyable, we are hugely ambitious for each of them. They are inspired to work hard and ensure academic excellence is a strong foundation on which to build in other areas of school life. Wherever possible, project work deepens independent study and boys are encouraged to enter national academic competitions, with plenty of success.

For many, applications for academic scholarships to Senior Schools is strongly supported. We know every child is at a different stage in their learning for each subject but our ambition for them to make as much progress as possible sits at the core of our provision. Effort is rewarded as well as attainment and progress is a key focus.