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Headmaster's Welcome

Learning is life's greatest adventure and at Tower House School we want every boy to arrive each day with a sense of joy, excitement and wonder at what lies ahead.

School should be fun and our innovative and creative curriculum, relaxed and happy ethos and excellent teachers offer just that, in and beyond the classroom. We want our boys to find what they love and to feel inspired to explore those areas with open hearts and minds. This can happen because of our strong commitment to each individual and the school's uniquely supportive environment, in which all boys feel valued and able to contribute on a daily basis.

We value kindness and service to others, which we see every day in the warm relationships between our staff and children and between the boys themselves. We seek to develop young men with a sense of gratitude, an understanding of responsibility and a deep and genuine care for others.

When asked what they most love about Tower House School, the boys are quick to talk about their teachers and for good reason. We are fortunate to have such a professional, committed and caring staff who share their sense of fun and joy with the boys as they strive to support each child in an individual way.

Wherever the boys go next, we want them to face their futures full of confidence and good heart, with dozens of adventures under their belts, with great friends, well-informed minds and with the intellectual curiosity and resilience not only to take on the challenges ahead of them but to actively seek them out.

We hope this website gives a flavour of life at Tower House School but there is no substitute for a visit in person to feel for yourselves what makes this such a magical and special place to come to school. Fun and joy abound. You will be struck by the abundance of smiling faces!

Mr Neill Lunnon, BSc, PGCE