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Junior School


Life in the classroom at Tower House is about stretch and challenge, curiosity and creativity, cementing foundations and broadening understanding. As a small school with small class sizes, we pride ourselves on giving each boy individual focus and attention to ensure they make progress at the rate suitable for them as learners. Literacy and numeracy within English and maths are our core focus, whilst also offering a wide range of other subjects including ICT (coding), science, French, music, art and sport, taught by specialist teachers

In Year 1 and Year 2 the curriculum is subject led with half termly topics. Lessons are a mixture of practical activities and written work as the boys become more able writers, as well as learning through play and drama. As the boys move through this Key Stage from Year 1 to Year 2, lessons are tailored according to their developmental and academic progress. Written homework is issued on a regular basis in addition to weekly spellings and daily reading.

Year 3 embarks on the Key Stage 2 curriculum. This is a transition year with boys looking forward to working towards earning a pen licence, times tables badges and increased responsibility in and around the school. By the end of Year 3, the boys will have regular homework preparing them for the Senior School.