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Learning Support

At Tower House, we aim to ensure that the Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) of all the pupils in the school are identified and supported. In keeping with our ethos, we believe that all teaching staff share the responsibility for meeting this aim. By working in partnership, pupils, teachers and parents can enable pupils to reach their fullest potential, achieve a high degree of independence and promote self-esteem.

Specialist support is provided by the Learning Support Department for boys of all ages from Reception through to Year 8. As well as a Head of Learning Support (SENDCo) on staff we have a team of specialists who come to school to work with our boys requiring specific support such as Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy.

Teaching takes place in small groups or on a one-to-one basis, with lessons timetabled throughout the school day. Support lessons take place outside the classroom. The Learning Support staff liaise very closely with all subject teachers to ensure that each pupil’s support is linked as effectively as possible to the wider school curriculum.

Individual or Group Education Plans are written at least twice a year for pupils receiving support and the department works closely with parents, pupils and staff to agree targets and monitor pupil progress.

While initial assessments can be carried out by the school, the school may, on occasion, request a full assessment by outside agencies such as Educational Psychologists or Speech and Language Therapists for which there is usually an additional charge.