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Preparing for Senior Schools

Whilst we feel honoured to support our boys through their time at Tower House, it remains a privilege to support their transition to their chosen Senior School. Settling into a new, larger school can be both exciting and daunting! The broad experiences that we offer in Years 7 and 8 provide many opportunities for the boys to develop resilience, adaptability and confidence, to gain an open mindset and develop key skills which hold them in good stead in their future school.

The Tower Project

An exciting new initiative, the Tower Project, involves working in teams of four on an entrepreneurial project which lasts through Year 7, guided by adult mentors, to set up and run a business with a charitable basis. Key skills such as financial literacy, creative thinking, problem solving, sustainability, effective communication, leadership and creativity are developed through the context of the business world.

Broadening Horizons Programme

This programme provides opportunities for boys in Year 7 and Year 8 to learn and develop practical skills that prepare them for life beyond THS.

The boys enjoy a variety of trips and visits, making the most of what our capital city has to offer as well as looking further afield. There are many opportunities for leadership during Year 7 and 8, with extra responsibility given to all the boys as they look to transition to their future schools.

We also encourage the boys to take part in any activity days, workshops or residential events that are taking place in their future school, to help with familiarity and to support a seamless transition.

For more information, please see the Broadening Horizons Programme.