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Supporting Charities

Instilling a sense of social responsibility, empathy and compassion within our young people is embedded in our school ethos and our staff work hard to ensure that as they progress through the school, Tower House boys become more aware of the issues and challenges faced by less fortunate individuals and communities and have a developing social and global conscience.

By actively and regularly participating in fundraising events, volunteering and donating to charitable causes, we aim to nurture within our students a lifelong commitment to making a difference in society and in the lives of others. This also underpins our Tower House ethos of kindness and respect. Visitors to Tower House often comment on the deep and genuine compassion of the boys to each other and to those around them.

THS Charities

Each year the Junior School works to raise funds and awareness in support of one charity, with recent examples including Community Heartbeat, Rackets Cubed and Momentum.

From Year 4 to Year 8, each boy presents their choice of charity to their class, with the boys subsequently voting on which organisation to support that year.

In addition, the school also volunteers for the Roehampton Community Box foodbank and annually raises funds for charities such as the British Royal Legion, Red Nose Day and Dallaglio RugbyWorks.