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Wellbeing and Pastoral Care

There is nothing more important to us at Tower House than the wellbeing of our boys. Our small and caring community mean that every boy, from Reception to Year 8, is nurtured and feels valued. Having small class sizes helps to create close teacher-pupil relationships; boys feel supported and there is always someone to talk to if they need. As a staff, we ensure that any concerns are addressed quickly; this could be during PSHE lessons, on an individual basis or via our non-verbal Worry Boxes and Worry Monsters.

We have a Mental Health and Wellbeing team that meet regularly to discuss various matters and are on hand to support boys who might need some extra emotional support. There will be moments during their time at school where boys may feel under more pressure, such as during exams and our wellbeing programme ensures the support is available at all times. The boys are thoroughly well known as individuals and no boy falls through the net. There is a special bond between the boys and our staff. Staff-parent relationships are invaluable, to ensure that school and home are working together via open and regular communication.

Each term has a themed week based on Mental Health which involve assemblies, lessons, discussions and interactive workshops for the boys. We ensure that every boy understands how important their mental health is and how to be proactive about developing strong mental as well as physical health. These conversations are an ongoing part of our PSHE curriculum.

For those that require extra support, some of our staff are trained as mental health first aiders and we also have a school counsellor who offers individual sessions to our boys in school.