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Sport Trips

Sport Trips

THS Biennial Cricket Tour to Barbados

The THS Cricket Tour is a major highlight in the school calendar for staff, boys and parents! All Year 7 and Year 8 boys are invited to join the tour, irrespective of ability and this memorable trip offers a perfect blend of culture, stunning natural beauty and the deep-rooted Barbadian culture and passion for cricket.

In advance of this trip the boys are expected to raise funds to buy cricket kit that is donated to disadvantaged Barbadian children’s cricket clubs. This is a key part of the ethos of this trip, as is meeting and socialising with the local players.

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Prep 4 Sport Challenge Cup

In order to inspire and challenge the boys on the playing field, we take part in the two-day annual P4S Football Challenge Cups with the U13’s playing at the home of England’s national teams,St George’s Park and the U10’s at Bisham Abbey, These competitions give the boys the experience of competing at outstanding national facilities.






External Sporting Events

We regularly take part in regional and national competitive events organised by Richmond Borough, various Senior Schools and IAPS, to include cross -country races, football tournaments and swimming galas. A huge number of our boys volunteer to run each year in the Restless Development Triathlon and results are always impressive in terms of finishing places as well as money raised for the charity..